SADAO’s Awareness Plan is as follows:
1. To advocate for the adoption of the World Health Organization's recommendation to end all further use of asbestos.
2. There are millions of feet of asbestos insulation and materials that are presently in place and rapidly deteriorating. They present a greater hazard today than when they were initially installed. This asbestos has deteriorated over time and now we have a public health crisis that desperately needs attention. SADAO maintains that there is a need for the establishment of a publicly accessible registry of all buildings that contain asbestos to inform the general public when they are entering a building that could potentially be harmful to their health. Whether they are enrolling a child in school, establishing their parents/grandparents in a senior care home, volunteering in a local school or hospital, or going into any publicly owned building they need to know if there is asbestos present in any of these scenarios.
3. The establishment of a strategic plan to improve asbestos awareness and management including:
- The enhancement of education and public awareness concerning asbestos;
- Mandatory reporting and disclosure where asbestos is detected;
- Verification of all inspection/maintenance records for all sites where asbestos is detected. If there are deteriorated asbestos fibres, they must be immediately encapsulated and thereafter monitored or removed where necessary;
- Standardized training, licensing, and registry of asbestos abatement contractors;
- Licensing and registry of storage, handling and disposal facilities;
- The creation of a patient registry to monitor the efficacy of asbestos management.